sofia florez
- Rating
- Age 23
- Sex Transgender
- Location bucaramanga, Colombia
- Sexual orientation Bicurious
- Speaks English, Spanish
- Eyes Black
- Hair Black
- Facial Hair With Facial Hair
- Foreskin Uncut
- Endowments 8-10”
- Body Types Athletic and Toned
- Height 173 cm / 5"8 inch
- Weight 65 Kg / 143 lbs
- Social
- Category BDSM/Fetish
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Hi, I'm Sofia I'm 24 years old I'm very curious with desire to discover many things in the world A little kiss I invite you to meet me, you'll have to get up every morning with determination if you want to go to bed at night with satisfaction.
hola soy Sofia tengo 24 Años soy muy curiosa con ganas de descubirir muchas cosas del mundo un besito te invito a conocerme, Tendrás que levantarte todas las mañanas con determinación si quieres irte a la cama en la noche con satisfacción.
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sofia florez
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